Wednesday, August 31, 2011 Video Reviews

Through watching the assigned videos, I gained knowledge about both Macs and PCs. In the "Laptop v.s Desktop" video, the speaker discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each choice. While laptops are built for their portability and convenience, they are ultimately more money for the same amount of power. Desktops, although not portable, are more easily upgradable. A tablet, like the iPad, is extremely portable, but not practicle if you need to utilize it for professional work, such as word processing, photo management, or video editing.

I also understood the 5 things each operating system obtains. File menus, which contain the essentials: new, open, close, save, and print. The only difference between a Mac and a PC is Mac's have "Quit Preview" instead of Exit. The second is cut, copy and paste, which all achieve the same results in both systems. Undo and redo are also identical operations for Macs and PCs. Each system also has preference settings for each page or program, and a help menu usually including the instruction manual and possible updates.