Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Artist Webpage

-Dutch painter, architect, writer.
-Founder and leader of De Stijl movement- pure abstraction of objects and an essential reduction to line, form and color, used only primary colors, and simplified composition to vertical and horizontal compositions

-Early work inspired by Impressionists and reminiscent of Van Gogh
-Deeply inspired by Kandinskys theory of deep, synesthetic analysis of art
-Insisted on using diagonals for their dynamic features
-Designed many houses for artists, as well as cafés
-Attempted to evoke a new reality by stripping words of their former meanings


We speak of concrete and not abstract painting because nothing is more concrete, more real than a line, a colour, a surface.
One must always paint in opposition to nature, and to one’s own 'mood'. To let oneself go is a weakness, a sort of hysterics.
The complete and definitive work of art is created beyond one’s individuality…
The work of art should be entirely conceived and formed by the mind before its execution.

Monday, November 21, 2011

CSS Beginner




Response to Cssbasics.com Chapters 1-4

Although an intimidating topic, cssbasics.com helps explain utilization of CSS in simple terms. A CSS, or cascading style sheet, can be used internally or externally. Internal method styles one specific page, while external controls all pages and is easier to maintain and reduces file sizes. CSS syntax contains three parts, inheritance refers to the nesting of elements inside others, and how they ultimately aquire these elements properties. Combining selectors allows the user to combine headers, each displaying the exact same properties specified. Comment tags are used to explain certain decisions made within the coding process to help others who may view your file. CSS classes allow you to change one specific element within another, for example changing one words size and color while the rest of the sentence remains untouched. CSS IDs are similar to classes, but once an ID is used it cannot be reused. IDs are usually used to edit the layout elements of a page, while classes are used to alter the text. ID selectors begin with a "#" number sign, while classes begin with a "." period.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Final Magazine Cover

For my final cover design, I made many decisions. I chose to create a subtle texture in the background using the clouds rendering in photoshop. I used mostly the Wacom tablet to create the loose, gestural marks. I wanted to incorporate my own touch into the cover, which mirrors the concept of individuality within the magazine. I used photoshop to crop images out of scanned photos and place them within the rope I drew. I also incorporated objects I captured with my own camera. All in all, I'm pleased with my final design.

Another Try..

Another attempt at a rope design. I used Illustrator and Photoshop with the Wacom tablet.